


New things at ISAMI (Shisei-Juku series room) #Part 1

Hi Good day!
Welcome back to Risshisha!

If a few week ago we have a new things at MIBU-JUKU such a cusshions and mattress, this time we have a new things at ISAMI's room the SHISEI-JUKU`s series.yes 
Since last week we put the extension table at 2F of ISAMI room. cool
We make an extension table through the window and put the japanese chair. 
so guest can enjoy the view from the window while eating or doing their work.

This ISAMI room is consist of 2F and can accomodata until 4 people. Are you curious with this ISAMI room? So what are you waiting for?! just book now for the next spring holiday!

New extension 2F
New extension 2F
New extension 2F
New extension 2F

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