Hi, Welcome back to Risshisha!
We will intoduce you some japanese culture to face a new year.
In japan they have one tradition to face a new year. They will put some ornament in their house. There are SHIMENAWA and KAGAMI MOCHI.
SHIMENAWA will be put on front of their house or door. They belive that SHIMENAWA will protect their house from bad things and wish to the better future.
KAGAMI MOCHI is special decorate for new year, they will put some mochi in their house, and will eat that mochi when new year time is over. Acctually some japanese household will make their own mochi, but is quite waste a time so nowdays you also can find the mini KAGAMI MOCHI in every supermarket.
New year time in japan mostly will over on 10th january every year. And we put that new year decoration at our Gojo and Shichijo front desk. so you can take a look and enjoyed the japanese new year decoration at our front desk during new year time
We will intoduce you some japanese culture to face a new year.
In japan they have one tradition to face a new year. They will put some ornament in their house. There are SHIMENAWA and KAGAMI MOCHI.
SHIMENAWA will be put on front of their house or door. They belive that SHIMENAWA will protect their house from bad things and wish to the better future.
KAGAMI MOCHI is special decorate for new year, they will put some mochi in their house, and will eat that mochi when new year time is over. Acctually some japanese household will make their own mochi, but is quite waste a time so nowdays you also can find the mini KAGAMI MOCHI in every supermarket.
New year time in japan mostly will over on 10th january every year. And we put that new year decoration at our Gojo and Shichijo front desk. so you can take a look and enjoyed the japanese new year decoration at our front desk during new year time