


Dog Friendly Series!

Hello Welcome back again with Risshisha!
Today in Kyoto It's rain all day, so temperature become coolder than yesterday.  Please be safely to everyone who is in Kyoto, hope you can enjoyed the vacation in Kyoto.
Well, we would tell you about the new picture that add at our dog friendly lodgingsmiley. Can you tell us what the picture is?? 
if you can not guess it we will tell the what the picture is. You can see the puppy looking out the window on this picture. even you we can't see the face but it still cute right?wink
This picture adds the warm atmosphere in the room right!
Hai kembali lagi bersama Risshisha!
Hari ini cuaca di kyoto dingin karena seharian hujan. Jadi untuk kalian yang sedang berada di kyoto hati-hati ya..
Oh iya kami mempunyai gambar baru yang ditempatkan di dinding salah satu hotel dog friendly kami loh. apa ada yang bisa menebak gambar apa? ya itu gambar anak anjing yang sedang melihat keluar jendela. Gambar ini menambah suasana hangat di kamar kami bukan?wink

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