


MIBU-JUKU's Signboard has been renewed!!!

Hi! Welcome Back to Risshishawink
How was today?!
we hope you have a good dayyes

It was extremely hot lately in various place todayangry
and it seems rainy season is over all over japan.
Please take your body and
don't forget to hydrate your body as wellangel

By the way today we would like to show you
our new MIBU-JUKU's Sidngboard at Shichijo Front desk!!

Because our guests are sometimes confused
with our front desk at Shichijo area,
As you see at above photos, 
we cahnged and added the Risshisa's Name
and the name of our hotel grup.cool 

We hope you guys are not confused anymore
when visiting our hotelcheeky
So please stay safe and have a nice day!!

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